South Tucson Community Asset Mapping Pilot

Principal Investigator: Kenny H Wong, Lecturer in Sustainable Built Environments
Co-Principal Investigator(s): Jacqueline Jean Barrios, Assistant Professor, Public/Applied Humanities
Project Details
Award: $10,000
Dates: November 1, 2022-June 30, 2023
“Aver las Avenidas": South Tucson Community Asset Mapping Pilot
The project, funded for $10,000, seeks to create a community mapping project in South Tucson. The research team (Co-PIs Kenny Wong and Jacqueline Barrios) noted that this area was chosen as being historically overlooked in cultural planning, as well as lacking in relevant geospatial information.
The mapping project will be created through “public, community-based, participatory action research” that takes place over the course of two community event days. The result of this mapping project will assist in the collaboration with local stakeholders in defining community goals and possibilities for the local built environment.